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Running as a form of preparation for karate competitions.

Writer: J.LJ.L

running plan

Running is a staple exercise, which is used in every disciplinary sport. It is the best method to improve endurance and speed. Health wise it aids with blood circulation and the air filling the lungs, which helps the body receive the optimum amount of oxygen. My knowledge has been gained at the University of Physical Education as well as through my competing and coach experiences.
running plan

Although this post sounds harmless, in practise it can make our legs healthily sore. In my opinion it’s vital to add running into your training plan. Even though it can make your muscles sore, it can enormously improve your endurance and speed. Preparing 6 months for large-scale competitions, this training was used towards the end of the endurance stage coming onto the speed stage of our preparation.
running plan

It’s best to carry out these exercises in a group, this allows an element of rivalry, as well as being able to help each other. But the overall atmosphere is much better in a group.

running plan

Competitors that are preparing for competition and those who care about their health and well-being should be interested in this form of training. A positive of this sort of training is that it can be carried out in different places each time. You can decide where you train, be it the beach, the park or a forest. It is up to you. There shouldn’t be large differences in altitudes. The different areas in which you train in give possibilities of adding new exercises in the warm up. The change in scenarios and landscapes allows you to take in the new places, which improve morale. It also makes the workout much easier.
running plan

The whole training session should last from 90 to 120 minutes. During this session you should run from 13 to 18 kilometres. You should also remember to carry out each exercise safely.
This form of training has 4 sections: warm up, rhythm training, speed training and a cool down.
Warm up:
This takes 30 minutes, around 6 kilometres. This section should be jogged, adding in some exercises depending on the track you choose. This can be: jumping over bushes, puddles, ditches, hanging from branches, rock throwing, slaloms through trees, etc. Don't forget to stretch. A lot of exercise can be carried out with a partner. In each training session new exercises can be added to avoid monotonous training sessions.
running plan

Rhythm training:
This takes around 15 minutes. You should complete around 3-5 sections where you speed up for around 60-150 metres. Each section should not be finished with a walk, no. You should jog, speed up, jog, speed up, etc. The jog allows to regain your normal cycle of breathing, it is a break for the body. 
running plan

Speed training:
This takes around 40 minutes. You should complete 4-7 sections of around 1000 metres in 4 minutes at a faster pace. The amount of sections you complete is based upon your running capabilities, the amount of breaks you take. Each break should be a 4 minute jog.
running plan

Cool down:
This section takes around 10 minutes. The runner begins to slow down their running pace. They start from a jog and end with a walk. Some relaxing exercises should be added to this section as well.


This training session can be adapted for children. It is possible if the children are with a guardian/parent who is aware of how to complete the exercises and the training session correctly. All the exercises and sessions should be completed at lower frequencies, shorter distances and for shorter time intervals.



Apr 03, 2022

I enjoyed the session today! Lots of good training and I liked reading this blog too!


Jul 09, 2020

Very valuable training. First part - nice and easy. Second one much more difficult, especially running up the hill against the wind. Made me extremely tired but happy. I’m waiting for next training !!!


Jul 09, 2020

The beginning seemed easy but over time I started feeling more and more tired. Looking forward to next training session.


Jul 09, 2020

Amazing training. It helped to boost endurance and strength. Its not easy but not too difficult. Hope I do better next time.


Jul 05, 2020

Great training session, feel like this will help my endurance a lot, wish I could’ve completed it all. Hopefully next time I will do better🏃🏻‍♀️

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