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La Palma is not only one of the most beautiful islands in the Canaries but also the world.

Writer: J.LJ.L

Jacek Lipinski Karate  La Palma
La Palma is the world's steepest island! It is only 42 km long and 28 km wide, and its highest peak - Roque de Los Muchachos rises up to 2,426 meters above sea level, it is the youngest island of the Canary Islands archipelago, formed by a volcanic eruption. It is surprising that there are so many attractions on such a small piece of land.

The island of La Palma has been nicknamed the greenest island in the Canary Islands due to its Los Tilos forests and banana plantations which cover 70% of the cultivated land. Locals call it "La isla bonita", a beautiful island.
Jacek Lipinski Karate  La Palma

Of course, the beaches are not the only reason why you should come here for a dream vacation! La Palma is also distinguished by its beautiful capital - the most beautiful in the entire Canary Archipelago! I am talking about Santa Cruz de La Palma. Santa Cruz de La Palma, you can imagine the capital of the island, which has only one main street, a tiny mercado and a small square with a church. A little over 20 thousand people inhabit it. Maybe that's what makes it so cosy and atmospheric.

Jacek Lipinski Karate  La Palma

I love our family trips. They always integrate us and bring us closer to each other. We enjoy each others company, every moment spent together, we talk a lot, cut ourselves off from the outside world and from reality for a short moment. We always look for peaceful, quiet places, which are not very crowded with tourists. In La Palma you will not find clubs, discos, bars that are open late, huge shopping centre’s, noisy tourists or crowded beaches.

Apart from that, La Palma is the perfect place for… trekking! Actually, most of the people come here for that. Ruta de los Volcanes. Among the many trekking routes in La Palma, one stands out in particular - Ruta de los Volcanes.  Despite the fact that the trail does not have steep ascents, exposed places and sharp descents, it is considered demanding. The difficulty is related to the distance and the temperature prevailing on the trail.

Dolphins and whales in La Palma. Not in the aquarium, but in their natural habitat! Small ships leave the port in Tazacorte, which - under favourable conditions - travel to the caves or to other places along the coast, but most of all go to places where these charming creatures live.

The island has ideal conditions for observing the sky. This is possible thanks to the shape of La Palma, the climate (not too many clouds) and the policy of the local government, which prohibits the use of neon lights, and street lamps must be properly placed. For these reasons, there is a large accumulation of astronomical observatories from countries from all over the world. Exactly in the Caldera de Taburiente National Park, there is the highest peak on the island - Rogue de los Muchach os (2426 m above sea level). It is here that the astronomical observatory is located - equipped with a large and very technologically advanced telescope - Gran Telescopio Canarias. Moreover, this unique volcanic island is home to one of the most important centre’s of space observation on Earth.

The ocean-subtropical climate of La Palma is perfect for swimming in the ocean and sunbathing. Most of the island's beaches are covered with volcanic sand. The coasts are high and steep, so the beaches in La Palma are calm and free from the crowds. Natural pools carved in volcanic rocks, such as La Fajana and Charco Azul. Located in the municipality of San Andrés y Sauces. When you see the intense blue of the water, you'll understand its name. It is very large, the bathing area is completely protected against the waves, and houses a children's pool.

Jacek Lipinski Karate  La Palma

Visit the volcanoes of San Antonio and TeneGuía (Fuenacaliente) next to the town of Los Canaryos. It is a great contrast to the green part of the island. With its very strong and gusty winds, we had the opportunity to see the two beautiful craters. The last eruption of the volcano was in 1971. And near its crater, you can still feel the warmth of the fascinating volcano.

In the south of the island there is a lighthouse (Faro) and a salt factory (Salinas).
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