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9th WUKF World Karate Championship 23-26.09.2021 Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

Writer: J.LJ.L

Updated: Dec 7, 2024

Jacek lipinski karate
9th WUEF World Karate Championship, it's time for a small summary. This time the trip went faster than usual - I went to the city of Cluj-Napoca on my own, due to several reasons: constraints and restrictions during the pandemic, it being the month of September and the students of the club only just returning back to training after a summer break. I myself was not sure about my start because of the constantly changing rules of traveling to and from Romania and my injury during the pre-start period.
As usual, my preparations for such a large-scale competition lasted several months. The first stage of preparation was the competition at London BASK International, where I won two kumite categories. This competition showed me my current level in karate and what else I need to change and work on. 

The second stage is to do with strength, going to the gym, and of course, karate training. The implementation of the plan and endurance training, took place in the second half of August during a family trip to Spain the island of La Palma.

During this trip I had perfect training conditions; the gym, punching bags, swimming pools, hills for running training and a room with tatami for training. 

At the end of the trip, unfortunately, what should not have happened is the leg injury I obtained, fortunately for me it was not so serious, and I could adjust my training plan. This meant I knew that if I went to Romania, I would not be prepared for the competition as I should be. As always in these types of situations, it is important to consider what the prons and cons are as well as what is positive and what is negative.

Jacek lipinski karate

Regardless of the circumstances, I found myself on 22/09/2021 in the early afternoon in Cluj-Napoca. How nice it was when, after landing at the airport, I met friends who arrived from various parts of the world. After a quick transfer to the hotel, I went to the technical briefing (document checking, weight, etc.). After this important pre-start part was over, I had a moment to visit Cluj.
Jacek lipinski karate

The beautiful city of Cluj is the intellectual and academic centre of contemporary Romania, also known as the heart of Transylvania.The most visited places by tourists is the Romanian Square - with the Orthodox Cathedral and the monument to the Romanian national hero; the Hungarian Square - with the Roman Catholic, Gothic church of St. Michael. Historically, the most important for the city is the conflict-free multi-cultural nature of its society, which allowed for the peaceful development of the city.After returning to the hotel and after packing and checking my equipment and documents needed for the competition, it was time to sleep and rest. As usual, the night passed quickly, wake up at 7.00, toilet, breakfast and another check of equipment and documents and a trip to the sports hall. 

When going to a large scale competition such as the World Karate Championships, everything must be carefully prepared, starting from training and ending with booking a hotel, which must be close to the Sports Hall. After 5 minutes of walking from the hotel, I arrived at the Sports Hall. My category was meant to start at 10am, meaning I had an hour to warm up. The issue at the begining is the right motivation (everything takes place in the head), you must have the right mindset, provided that there are no health issues (physical or mental) and that you are well prepared. During two categories I managed to deal with this physical health problem, I lost in the final fight and thus I was placed second, winning the silver medal.

Sometimes losing leaves more positive conclusions than winning fights and that's what happened for me.

After finishing my categories in the World Championships, I had some more time to go out and visit the old town. This trip should be classified as a very short trip, on the first day - arrival, on the second day - departure, early morning on the third day - return, Cluj as a city has a lot to offer, therefore I will definitely come back there one day. In the era of COVID 19 restrictions, I can say the competition was conducted at a high level in terms of sports and organization. Over 1,300 competitors from over 70 federations took part in the competition. The next World Karate Championships under the federation of WUKF will be held in Florida in the year 02-7.07.2022. I just hope that nothing will change until then and we will be able to join them in Florida with SKC squad members.


Jun 27, 2022

Questions for Sensei Jacek

  1. In preparation for such important competitions, does your diet change?

  2. How many hours would you train per day during the preparation period?

  3. Did you feel disadvantaged due to your injury?

  4. Have you suffered from many injuries in your career? How do overcome them?

Tyronne McManus

Jacek Lipinski
Jacek Lipinski
Jun 29, 2022
Replying to

Question 1

Eating a healthy, balanced diet is one of the most important things you can do to protect your health. The key to a healthy diet is to eat the right amount of calories for how active you are so you balance the energy you consume with the energy you use. You don’t have to make big changes to your diet: Eat regularly, stay hydrated, eat the right balance of fats, include some protein with every meal.

Question 2

2 or 3 hours a day, 4 to 6 times a week would be a good place to be at the height of your training schedule.

Question 3

Any injury you have makes you feel disadvantaged, it limits your abilities…


Jun 21, 2022

Pytania do Jacek Lipiński:

1. Jaka była Twoja najpoważniejsza kontuzja w karierze sportowej?

2. Czy podczas którejś z nich miewałeś myśli że pora pożegnać się ze sportem?

Jacek Lipinski
Jacek Lipinski
Jun 25, 2022
Replying to
  1. Zawsze istnieje niebezpieczeństwo powrotu kontuzji. Jeżeli kontuzja jest wyleczona to trzeba powolutku wracać do obciążeń treningowych. Dorze jest słuchać tego co nam nasze ciało podpowiada. 2. W moim przypadku wieloletnie doświadczenie zawodniczo trenerskie pozwala mi na unikniecie problemu mentalnego związanego z powrotem do rywalizacji sportowej.


Nikola Wachal
Nikola Wachal
Jun 20, 2022

Sensei Eva limpinska

How did you prepare sensei jacek for the Championship?

Nikola wachal

Jun 20, 2022
Replying to

I was heavily involved in the preparation period. I joined in with the sporting exercises such as running and sparring. I prepared the meals. We spoke about the mental aspects.


Jun 17, 2022

Question to Sensai Jacek:

  1. You were by yourself in this competition. Did you have a hard time by yourself or would you rather be with a group?

  2. In your opinion the competition in London BASK was helpful to prepare for the competition in Romania?

  3. What are your future plans with karate?

  4. Will you continue to participate in other competitions?


Jun 20, 2022
Replying to

Thank you Sensei


Michel Niski
Michel Niski
Jun 16, 2022

Pytanie do Jacek Lipiński

1. Pomimo odniesionej kontuzji podczas przygotowan sensei postanowil jednak wziasc udzial w zawodach ?

2. Czy kontuzja nie przeszkodzila w osiągnięciu lepszego wyniku?

Jacek Lipinski
Jacek Lipinski
Jun 16, 2022
Replying to

Pytanie 1

Kontuzje w przygotowaniach do zawodów zdarzają się często, są to małe lub duże kontuzje, zdarzają się one na początku lub na końcu przygotowań lub w trakcie zawodów. Moja kontuzja dawała mi nadzieje na dobry start, w takich sytuacjach trzeba zmienić założenia taktyczne by osiągnąć swój cel.

Pytanie 2

Ze swojego wyniku jestem bardzo zadowolony z pełną świadomością przystąpiłem do zawodów. Wyjazd na zawody to możliwość spotkania przyjaciół, zdobycia nowego doświadczenia, wyciągnięcia odpowiednich wniosków, jak i wartości turystyczne. Zawsze można powiedzieć ze mogło być lepiej lub gorzej. Cały czas się uczę i z perspektywy czasu myślę ze niewątpliwie kontuzja ma znaczenie w osiągnięciu wyniku niemniej jednak jeżeli by się powtórzyła podobna sytuacja to na pewno podjął bym tą sama…

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