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10th FSKA WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP IN SHOTOKAN KARATE and visiting Venice the city on water.

Writer: J.LJ.L

Updated: Dec 16, 2021

The 10th FSKA WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP IN KARATE SHOTOKAN was held on October 10-12, 2008 in Jesolo (Italy). Several hundred competitors took part in the competition, representing countries such as: South Africa, USA, SRI LANKA, Germany, Lithuania, Russia, Mexico, France, Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Austria, England and Ukraine. The SKC team consisted of four competitors (Jacek Lipinski, Konrad Kozubski, Pawel Jaworski and Dawid Rogaczyk) and brought home six medals!

Jacek Lipinski won the title of the World Champion in the individual kumite seniors + 80 kg category, defeating a competitor from South Africa in the final just before the end of time.

In the seniors team kumite category, the FSKA Poland team, joined by Jacek Lipinski (in the squad of Rafał Nowak, Piotr Szymala, Jacek Lipiński, Grzegorz Truchanowicz and Marek Krejpowicz) won the silver medal, defeating Russia 3-2, Portugal 3-2 and in the fight in the final, succumbing to France 2-3. Jacek won all his matches in the team competition, which usually ended before the time passed.
The silver medals were won by: in individual kumite seniors - 80 kg, Konrad Kozubski and -75 kg Paweł Jaworski in the individual kumite seniors - 80 kg. Just behind Kozubski, Dawid Rogaczyk came in third.
Kozubski, Rogaczyk, Jaworski joined the second Polish team in team kumite and were placed third on the podium. The founder of the FSKA (Funakoshi Shotokan Karate Association) organization Shihan Kenneth Funakoshi 9 dan came to the city of Jesolo, He was accompanied by his son Kyle Funakoshi 6 dan, Gary Dunlap sensei 6 dan, Miriam Garnica 4 dan, judges, coaches and players from all over the world - from a total of around 30 countries. The championship was organized by Giacomo S. Bertoletti 7 dan - president of WASI Sport ASD, martial arts expert, editor of three leading Italian sports magazines "Samurai Bushido", "Sportivo & Security" and "Arti d'Oriente", general director of Publications & Promotion.
Lido di Jesolo
Lido di Jesolo is a seaside resort near Venice in northern Italy on the Adriatic Sea. There are kilometres of sandy beach, rows of sun loungers and nightly entertainment, which, attract thousands of holidaymakers, each summer. During our several-day stay, we were blessed with beautiful sunny weather. In October, the beaches were empty, which guaranteed us a peaceful preparation for the competition. In the evenings, the streets are pedestrianized, which encourages tourists to wander, shop, eat and drink.
A day trip to Venice.

Venice, the city on the water.


Venice tempts with its original architecture and monuments from ancient times. However, what attracts most to this city is its amazing location on almost a hundred swampy islands and islets of the Adriatic, all connected by a network of water channels.

Venice is without a doubt one of the most unique cities in Europe. There is no other like this. It is also one of the most recognizable places in the world.


The best way to get to Venice is to use public transport by bus and boat. From Jesolo, take the bus. The journey takes 35 minutes and is planned to coincide with the ferry that leaves Punta Sabbioni for Venice. The main attraction of the ferry ride is the opportunity to admire the lagoon and the monuments. The colour of the water is immediately thrown to you. It looks blue under the big sun. Nobody can complain about the lack of monuments and attractions in Venice. There are many churches, bridges, museums and other culturally and historically valuable objects there.
After arriving, you will reach St. Mark! Napoleon called it the Ballroom of Europe. Here, as usual, crowds, pigeons are everywhere! However, it is beautiful! Tourists sit in pubs by the square, the orchestra plays great music, it is exceptional! After leaving St. Mark we let ourselves wander around, exploring the city. On the way we passed many restaurants and bars. It's easy to get lost in narrow streets. Sometimes they captivate, sometimes they scare ... but the climate will not give them anything back, every now and then we encounter small canals, narrow streets, often blind and we have to go back. We circle around a few times, such charms of Venice!

I have heard many extremely different opinions about Venice, many people are very much in love with the city on the water. Others, in turn, claims that their foot will never again stand on that land. And I think I belong to the first group and I will definitely go back there.

Do you know that :

1. Venice is famous for its canals and especially the fact that it is sinking - in fact, it does so at the rate of a few millimeters a year, so make sure you visit soon. 
2. Venice was the main Mediterranean maritime power from the 14th to the 16th centuries. 
3. The Venetian lagoon is 15 meters deep at its deepest point. 
4. The city is often threatened by flood waves from the Adriatic Sea between autumn and early spring. 
5. Houses in Venice are numbered according to neighbourhoods rather than streets, which makes it difficult to find addresses. The rule of thumb is to look for a monument, shop or landmark in close proximity. 
6. The first woman in the world to graduate was born in Venice in 1646. 
7. Cycling is prohibited in Venice. 
8. The city is visited by 18 million tourists a year, an average of 50 thousand daily. 
9. There are around 350 gondolas in Venice. On average, the gondolas are 11 meters long and weigh about 600 kilograms. 
10. The first public casino in the world was opened in Venice in 1638. 
11. The Venetian Lagoon, together with Venice itself, was entered on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1987. 
12. The oldest film festival is held in Venice, which has been held since 1932. 
13. The famous merchant and traveler Marco Polo was born in Venice.


Jun 28, 2022

Question Sensei Jacek

1) Do you think that you could of got 1st place?

2) How have you trained for this competition? 3)Did you have a special diet for this competition?

4) How did you feel scoring a point last second?

Jacek Lipinski
Jacek Lipinski
Jun 29, 2022
Replying to
  1. There is always room for improvement, however during this competition i became a World Karate Champion.

  2. The preparation period for and high ranking competition is 6 months, this includes strength, endurance and speed training.

  3. No i did not have a special diet, i took vitamins.

  4. I felt happy, but any experienced competition knows the scoring of the fight could change within the last few seconds.


Orianna McManus
Orianna McManus
Jun 27, 2022

Questions to Sensei Jacek Lipinski:

1) How do you feel when you win a fight and how do you feel when you loose one?

2) What is it like, being a World Champion?

3) What techniques did use mostly use in kumite to defeat your opponents?

4) Did you use your surroundings to train (like beaches)?

Jacek Lipinski
Jacek Lipinski
Jun 29, 2022
Replying to
  1. I take every experience, win or loss in the same way. I try to reflect on my fights and understand what went well and what could be improved on.

  2. It is a positive experience knowing your hard work has paid off especially when you have prepared correctly, in the total 6 month preparation period.

  3. I like a variety of techniques but i believe the basic techniques are most effective.

  4. Yes, I have trained in a variety of places.


Jun 26, 2022

Question for Sensei Jacek

1)How did it feel to win World champion in kumite?

2) Do you find competing team kumite more challenging than individual kumite?

Jacek Lipinski
Jacek Lipinski
Jun 29, 2022
Replying to
  1. It is a positive experience knowing your hard work has paid off especially when you have prepared correctly, in the total 6 month preparation period.

  2. It is a different type of experience. When you are competing within a team your actions affect everyone on your team, you're held more responsible for your techniques, whereas competing individually you are only accountable for your actions.


Agnieszka Sybicka
Agnieszka Sybicka
Jun 24, 2022

Questions for Sensei Jacek:

  1. How did you feel winning the title of 'World Champion'?

  2. What was the most interesting thing you saw in Venice?

  3. Who was your most difficult opponent to fight and why?

  4. How does it feel to be in the presence of a person (In this case Shihan Kenneth Funakoshi) who has an especially high dan?

-Victoria S

Jacek Lipinski
Jacek Lipinski
Jun 25, 2022
Replying to
  1. When you know you have correctly prepared for a competition the title of World Champion tastes much better.

  2. I liked the large amounts of bridges throughout the city and st mark"s square.

  3. Each fight was very difficult and required a lot of focus and concentration.

  4. It is always a privilege conversing and being in the presence of anyone who is well know within the world of karate.


Alexander Semenovych
Alexander Semenovych
Jun 24, 2022

Questions for Sensei Jacek 1) Why do you think that Venice is the most unique cities in Europe? 2) How did you feel when you and the team brought home 6 medals? Questions for all 1) Did you all practice together or did you practice on your own? 2) During your time at Venice were you training on the beaches?

Jacek Lipinski
Jacek Lipinski
Jun 25, 2022
Replying to
  1. The whole city is on water. There are no normal taxis within the city, mode on transport are through water and canals throughout the city.

  2. I am always proud of my team, both wins and losses encourage me to train harder.

  3. We all usually train together, there are some aspects of the preparation which are carried out individually.

  4. We had the privilege that our hotel was nearby a beach, meaning training on the beach was a possibility.

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